“The writer who refuses
to explore the darker regions of the heart will never be able to write
convincingly about the wonder, the magic, and the joy of love, for just as
goodness cannot be trusted, unless it has breathed the same air as Evil.”- Nick
Hello, Blogiteers!
I am well and truly fried. Previous to the last fourteen
thousand plus word blog I cranked out in a month, most of that work being done
in my office-away-from-the-office, also known as The Little Toad Creek Brewery
& Distillery, I had also recently completed three on-contract articles for
ZIA Magazine, published out of Silver City, New Mexico. I also shot principal
photography for two of those articles as well, because if I’m going to use up
all of my “spoons” in one shot, I might as well use the good silver.
The spoon theory, which I’ve called attention to before, is
a visual metaphor for disability that uses spoons to represent how much energy
a person with a chronic illness has throughout the day. For every task to be
accomplished requires a certain number of spoons, which can only be replaced as
one "recharges" after each task completion. If you run out of spoons,
you’re pretty much done, if not outright screwed, because the theory has no
options for salad forks, and cruelly ignores sporks altogether.
Fortunately, all three articles were well received, both by
the public and the subjects themselves, so that’s not only a huge weight off my
back, but it provides me a base for hanging out my shingle in my neck of the
woods as well, since I’ll have some New Mexico-centric material to push. Baby
steps and all that, you know. Speaking of which, my insulin pump was approved
and has arrived at my abode, so that’s some additional and long overdue good
news. But as I look at the large volume of somewhat intimidating gear that’s
currently sitting in mt living room, it strikes that this will be quite the
adjustment, even if it is for the better. I’ll essentially be wearing it almost
24/7, which is gloomily, yet another concession to my health I have but no
choice to make.
Sleeping in comfort is also going to be a challenge, given
the fact I’ll have both a length of tubing and a *CGM attached to my chest like
a lamprey, or worse, an ex-fiancé, but if it keeps me alive, I guess any
kvetching I might feel inclined to voice, should probably be filed in the “stop
griping, you candy-ass” cabinet in my personal vault located within the serene
walls of my hollow volcano lair. I am digging the fact I will have a watertight
“port” which can be closed when I take a shower or bath, which leads me to
wonder if I could set up an Egg Nog IV for when the holidays roll in, a
question I should probably ask the team that the manufacturers are going to
send to teach me how to use this sexy piece of tech. I’m pretty sure it’s not
the first time somebody’s asked.
*[Continuous Glucose Monitor]
*[Continuous Glucose Monitor]
And while I’m hoping for an upswing in my day to day overall health, I’m also optimistic that it will give me back some semblance of a relatively normal life. By that, I mean I could do without the random dizzy spells, crushing fatigue, nausea, nerve pain, and general feeling of being unwell that I deal with most of the time. More good days than bad would be a delightful thing to experience for once, and I’m hoping this is the start of a forward-moving and long-term cycle of wellbeing. Along those lines, I’m also dealing with the ongoing aggravation of filling an appeal in regards to my workman’s comp, and the two highly unethical companies that have blocked me for almost two years in getting this issue resolved. What’s puzzling is how bitterly hard both companies are fighting my attempt to settle a bill that wasn’t wholly covered by my then insurance company.
I’ve written more than once about the degradation and
illegal firing I suffered at the metaphorical hands of my former employer, along
with the curiously condescending attitude of their insurance carrier, so I
won’t (mercifully) rehash it here, but I will add a small detail I did not
include in any of those narratives. The amount of the bill that my Michigan
based former employer and their legal Ponzi Scheme indemnification company who
last year, posted revenues of 1.8 Billion, are fighting me over as if it were a
box of Limited-Edition Star Wars figures, is $3,316.84.
Yes, you read that right, I’m having to battle for an
amount that’s less than what it takes to have Nickelback play at the
announcement and celebration of your *Shahada. Ok, I’m not actually sure if
that’s entirely true, but there’s no way those musical masters of melodic
mediocrity are getting that sweet Saudi Arabian money at the same level that U2
could easily ask for. And this opinion has nothing to do with the fact that
lead singer Chad Kroeger reminds me of the barista at Starbucks that you buy
low-grade weed from when they close up for the night. *[The Shahada, AKA:
"the testimony", is an Islamic creed, one of the Five Pillars of
Islam, declaring belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) and the acceptance of
Muhammad as God's prophet.]
Regardless of how Chad earns money on the side to support
his penchant for writing vapid lyrics about wanting to get laid 24/7, it’s not
as if I’m asking for anything past that. I’m not asking for an inflated
resolution that some scumbag shyster concocted in order to pad his cut of an
unethical payoff, I just want the damn bill settled, so I can get back to
living my life and more importantly, concentrate on getting back to both a
fighting weight, and a lifestyle where I don’t feel useless and decrepit a
majority of the time. This is literally the last nail in the coffin that was
Phoenix, and I want it not only sealed in the mausoleum, I want it nuked like
Chernobyl afterwards.
It’s also probably a good time to note that due to my
health, the concept of working a so-called normal job is probably out of the
question for the rest of my severely shortened life, no matter how or if my
fitness improves. After years of working for incompetent and arrogant fiefdoms,
I believe I’m done, an opinion that only gets more reinforced every time I go
out in public, and see the pointlessness of working not to thrive, but to
barely survive. What’s the point of working like a dog for no end if it just
enriches someone else, f**ks up your health, doesn’t really aid your finances,
or improve your personal relationships?
Easy answer. There is none. None at all.
I’m not by any means, saying I’m never going to endeavor to
have a job again, but if and when I do get back on that capitalistic
whore-horse, it will be on my terms, and my terms alone. No more faux scraping
and bowing. No more sucking down abuse. And definitely no more incurring
injuries for companies that if I dropped dead on my lunch break, would have my
position filled an hour later, for half the wage. If my past experience working
for my last employer from *Hell has proved anything to me, it is quite possible
to construct a conscience-free monarchy of sorts on the backs of the broken and
*[Ok, technically they’re based out of a city in Michigan named Wixom, but if it produces business ethics like these, I can only assume it’s akin to the Wasteland in Mad Max, minus the assless chaps, which due to the impracticality of usefulness during the winter season, were quickly voted aside in favor of those PrimalLoft Packaway jackets from L.L. Bean. Also, I couldn’t think of any jokes about Wixom that people outside of Michigan would understand, so that’s on me… my bad.]
*[Ok, technically they’re based out of a city in Michigan named Wixom, but if it produces business ethics like these, I can only assume it’s akin to the Wasteland in Mad Max, minus the assless chaps, which due to the impracticality of usefulness during the winter season, were quickly voted aside in favor of those PrimalLoft Packaway jackets from L.L. Bean. Also, I couldn’t think of any jokes about Wixom that people outside of Michigan would understand, so that’s on me… my bad.]
Speaking of a lack of principles, I endured the smugly
supremacist attitude of a tele-conference with the law firm who’s representing
my former employer, Engelsen Moulding, and its equally unethical insurance
lapdog, the Hartford. As noted earlier, I’m not going to rehydrate what I’ve
already scribed regarding this contemporary *Burke & Hare, but I will note
how nice it is to see that their carrion feeding ambulance chase team of
shysters has [in my opinion] the same lack of personal integrity that they do.
Birds of corrupt feathers flock together, and all that.
*[William Burke and William Hare were a murder for profit duo operating in late 1820’s Scotland, who after killing their victims, would sell their corpses to an anatomist for purposes of scientific dissection. Something not too dissimilar as to how modern insurance companies artificially boost their profits in these modern times by denying the one service customers have paid for.]
*[William Burke and William Hare were a murder for profit duo operating in late 1820’s Scotland, who after killing their victims, would sell their corpses to an anatomist for purposes of scientific dissection. Something not too dissimilar as to how modern insurance companies artificially boost their profits in these modern times by denying the one service customers have paid for.]
The call was for the purpose of giving a formal deposition,
which I had no problem whatsoever cooperating with, but the person conducting
it possessed all the charm of a sandpaper condom, and the conversational skills
of a drunken urinal cake. To be fair, in the beginning, it was all standard
civil boilerplate, as valid questions were asked, clear answers were given, and
things were skimming along smoothly, as there was no reason for me to be truly
ungracious to someone I’ve never met, but that plateau of good vibes was soon
eroded when this *jackleg decided he needed to play “tough” with me.
*[A jackleg is considered by definition as a person who is corrupt, dishonest, or lacks the any trace of professional standards. Not too shockingly, it’s usually applied as a descriptive slur towards the clergy and lawyers almost exclusively. Imagine that.]
*[A jackleg is considered by definition as a person who is corrupt, dishonest, or lacks the any trace of professional standards. Not too shockingly, it’s usually applied as a descriptive slur towards the clergy and lawyers almost exclusively. Imagine that.]
Seriously. Does nobody still use Google to do the merest of
research anymore?
I’m no badass by far, but even the simplest query into how
I publicly handle my personal business would tell you that at best, I should be
handled with oversized kid gloves and one of those silvery heat-suit outfits
you see in all those sexy Volcano documentaries. Other than his incessant
interrupting every time I tried to civilly respond to a complex question past a
“yes” or “no” answer, he would also chide me as if I were a child when I did,
an affront that is always appreciated when you’re old enough to remember when
rotary phones were a thing, that six million dollars could get you a partially
bionic body, and assurances given that we’d all have jetpacks and flying cars
by now.
He also expected me to have a word for word account
regarding two minor conversations I had TWO YEARS AGO, because apparently,
those are the truly crucial details the three-pound sponge in my head is
supposed to give priority to. Hey, legal dude? In an average day, I misplace my
sunglasses at least ten times, and typically when I’m searching for them,
they’re squarely sitting on my face, but you expect me to have an eidetic
memory on loan from Sherlock Holmes? This, as well as the exceedingly date
specific information he required, might have been able to be recalled more
clearly, if they had previously informed me what they needed to know in the
first place.
If I had been given such parameters, I would have gone out
to my garage, moved aside my collection of evil clown corpses, found the box
with all my tax records and notes in it, and had them ready to go as a means to
propel the narrative forward. Instead, the subtle implication that I was lying
and/or unintelligent was accentuated by questions intended to trip me up, a
tactic that failed not only spectacularly, but hilariously as well. It always
strikes me as incredulous when someone who lies and misdirects for a living
within the laws their kind crafted, is genuinely stunned by the fact that I, a
worker and average citizen, are not intricately conversant with the nuts and
bolts of filing civil claims, leaping over bureaucracy, and understanding Latin
legalese, which is nothing more than a vile bulwark calculated to confuse the
average layman to the benefit of only the valueless vulture they’re engaging
with, but I digress.
Yep. He mockingly asked, without wanting the
context or background story, why I “took so long” to file an appeal. Because as
we know, a company posting assets more than the GDP of some small countries can
have all of its plans derailed by a lone individual who after dealing with
severe medical concerns that could have killed him, wants what’s due him. If I
knew I possessed this much power, I wouldn’t be wasting it on these gargoyles of
greed, I’d be using it to get Space 1999 back on the air, after resurrecting
Martin Landau first.
And considering they had my phone number and Email on file, I’m not going to believe any of their garbage that in this day and age that they couldn’t find or get a hold of me. Once again, how hard is it to use the Internet to track someone down? They never seem to have a problem finding someone when that person owes them money, I’ve noticed. When it’s in their interest to pin a person to the wall, you’d think that they had cloned an army of Pinkertons to get the job done.
And considering they had my phone number and Email on file, I’m not going to believe any of their garbage that in this day and age that they couldn’t find or get a hold of me. Once again, how hard is it to use the Internet to track someone down? They never seem to have a problem finding someone when that person owes them money, I’ve noticed. When it’s in their interest to pin a person to the wall, you’d think that they had cloned an army of Pinkertons to get the job done.
So rather than finally being able to settle this obviously
valid claim, I find myself armoring up for yet another battle royal of
principle where the past sins of others are concerned. It reminds me of that
scene in Marvel’s Endgame that has Lebowski Thor suiting up against Thanos-
sure, he’s not in the best shape to go and kick the ass of someone who so
desperately deserves it, but he’s not going to back off from his principles,
either. If the Industrial Commission dismisses my case, I’ll just file a civil
lawsuit against Engelsen, and take it from that point.
This resolve has only gotten stronger after I received a letter from the law firm stating that they wanted the commission hearing only to deal with the issue of whether I filed my appeal in a “timely fashion”. In other less slimy words, they’re trying to dodge their obligated responsibilities by issuing the slur that I somehow, with my $3,316.84 claim, have singlehandedly and maliciously, delivered to the doorstep of this 1.8 Billion juggernaut, a truly major, if not insurmountable, inconvenience.
This resolve has only gotten stronger after I received a letter from the law firm stating that they wanted the commission hearing only to deal with the issue of whether I filed my appeal in a “timely fashion”. In other less slimy words, they’re trying to dodge their obligated responsibilities by issuing the slur that I somehow, with my $3,316.84 claim, have singlehandedly and maliciously, delivered to the doorstep of this 1.8 Billion juggernaut, a truly major, if not insurmountable, inconvenience.
The horror. How could they ever possibly recover? Oh yeah…
by using some of that 1.8 Billion most likely skimmed off the top, from the
benefits they’ve withheld from their overpaying clients, that’s how.
Let’s review the timeline thus far: I was illegally filed
for being Diabetic, filed a discrimination claim that was bobbled by bloviating
bureaucrats at the AZ Attorney General’s Office, and eventually filed a
workman’s comp claim with the Industrial Commission Office after being billed
by my physical therapists clinic for costs not covered by my then insurance
carrier. The claim was denied when the Hartford essentially went “okay, we
won’t do any due diligence, like talking to the actual therapists who worked on
this guy, because that’s way too ethical for us”, and sent me a form letter
saying as much.
I then filed an appeal, and heard nothing… for months. During this time period, my amazing GF Ashley got a job offer from a small Norman Rockwell type town in New Mexico where we currently live, and we spent a few weeks wholly concentrating on packing, boxing, taping, and cursing at the life we had to move one state over.
I then filed an appeal, and heard nothing… for months. During this time period, my amazing GF Ashley got a job offer from a small Norman Rockwell type town in New Mexico where we currently live, and we spent a few weeks wholly concentrating on packing, boxing, taping, and cursing at the life we had to move one state over.
Roughly a week and a half after we arrived there, I noticed my left foot had
puffed up to the size of a small football, and went to my local hospital, where
it was determined that I had developed gangrenous gas in my leg, and was in
need of immediate surgery in order to save not only my leg, but my life. The
cause was a wound on my foot that I had suffered in Phoenix, which from the
outside appeared to be healing, but was in fact, not. The end result was that I
underwent four surgeries, the last of which removed my little toe and a
sizeable chunk of my left foot. In retrospect, it could have been worse, for I
could have died, so I’m oddly okay with the outcome, as much as it sucks. Not
to mention, I’ve always hated running, and I never was a good dancer, so at
least now I have a viable excuse for not coaching my local youth soccer league,
or hitting the dance floor at weddings.
All Catholic black humor aside, I spent a week and a half
in the hospital, and almost five months recovering at home, flat on my back,
with my left leg elevated, either staring at the ceiling over my bed, or stuck
on my couch, doing the same thing. Weirdly, I was more concerned with not
losing my leg or my life, as my healing factor was impacted by the complication
of having Diabetes, which was a major concern among my medical team whose
loyalty I cannot express enough gratitude for. I dealt with the isolation and
concurrent depression by writing about the experience, which I seriously
believed kept me from falling into even deeper despair, or turning to more
destructive outlets for easing the psychological effects of what I was
But let’s face it, I really should have ignored all that I
was dealing with, and made the supreme effort to make the Hartford my topmost
priority. Silly selfish me. So, when I got back on my feet literally and
metaphorically, I sent a letter off to them for an update. No response. I then
sent a direct message via my now defunct Twitter account. No response. I called
them and through a series of escalating pass-the-buck phone calls, discovered
they had denied my claim again, and NEVER NOTIFIED ME. Their bulls**t reason
this time? My former employer based in Michigan said I wasn’t hurt working for
them, because being several states over and all, they would have the insight to
what was happening in Phoenix.
Not to mention, the Hartford’s cubicle monkey claimed that
since my doctor never specifically said that the injury he identified and sent
on to physical therapy was work-related, it wouldn’t be classified as such.
Because as we all know, after doctors make a diagnosis, they also investigate
the cause of it as if they were Scooby-Doo and the Gang. I can’t even begin to
tell you how many times when it’s been established that I’m suffering from the
flu, the doctor turns around and lets me know that I obviously contracted it
from the sick third child of my co-worker Janice. I’m sure you can relate.
Another line of asinine questioning that was set forth, is why I didn’t have multiple follow-ups with my doctor after my injury was diagnosed. This struck me as particularly stupid, since my non-sports-medicine GP wasn’t going to be treating me, or overseeing my physical therapy to begin with past the point of his referral, since I was already seeing the people I needed to see to get the dominant issue fixed.
Another line of asinine questioning that was set forth, is why I didn’t have multiple follow-ups with my doctor after my injury was diagnosed. This struck me as particularly stupid, since my non-sports-medicine GP wasn’t going to be treating me, or overseeing my physical therapy to begin with past the point of his referral, since I was already seeing the people I needed to see to get the dominant issue fixed.
Sigh… and people ask why I’m still lighting candles and
sacrificing virgin ferrets hoping for *Apophis to follow through on the
forecast that it will smash into the Earth, ASAP. Lawyers like this, and
companies like that, are the reason why we still need to print usage
instructions on shampoo, if not Preparation H. Say what you will, but as a
writer and artist, I can assure you that jokes regarding my profession are
almost non-existent, but you really can’t say the same about lawyers and
corporations, now can you? Actually, I take that back, as there’s only two
lawyer jokes.
The rest are true stories.
As one of those jokes goes: “What’s the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a Harley?” Simple. Only one of those things has the dirtbag on the outside. Bada-boom, Bada-bing. *[Apophis is a 370-meter-wide asteroid that at one point, was predicted to hit the Earth in April of 2029, and while its threat has been downgraded, it still is widely rumored by many that it could be considered as a viable candidate for the Democratic nominee for President in 2020.]
The rest are true stories.
As one of those jokes goes: “What’s the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a Harley?” Simple. Only one of those things has the dirtbag on the outside. Bada-boom, Bada-bing. *[Apophis is a 370-meter-wide asteroid that at one point, was predicted to hit the Earth in April of 2029, and while its threat has been downgraded, it still is widely rumored by many that it could be considered as a viable candidate for the Democratic nominee for President in 2020.]
I cannot wait for the day that I wake up well-rested,
hopefully pain-free, and the only pressing anxiety that I have to initially
face is whether I have enough Captain Crunch or Lucky Charms in the pantry,
versus wondering if this is the day I stroke out, go blind, are fated to face
any more amputations, have my kidneys fail, or if I lose the rest of the
dexterity in my nerve damaged wracked hands. In other words, I’d like to focus
on me and my health exclusively, rather than shysters, unethical entities, and
bills whose weight should be borne by others, much like I still carry the
burden of the injury I sustained working for people who couldn’t care how,
when, or where, unless they can manipulate those factors into shirking their
As the saying goes: People suck. Nice people swallow. And
Lawyers? Well…
They remind the rest of us how vital a role that always
knowing who your father is plays in truly good character development. As
someone who’s traversed the Creative backchannels for decades, I’ve met my
share of brigands, rogues, pirates, scoundrels, reprobates, snake-oil salesmen,
and the like. But unlike their legal contemporaries, these people at least
possessed the romanticized charm of a buccaneer as a saving grace. I’m not
planning on having children, but if I ever did, I’d rather see them become
adult film stars rather than lawyers, it would be for me at least, far less
embarrassing to tell people what they actually do for a living overall. At
least when they fu**ed people over, all parties concerned would be left
I, on the other hand, will have to make a ten-hour
round-trip drive with an injured shoulder, to a place I’d rather not spend any
more of my valuable time in, just to have my character slurred, my injury
discounted, and my request for fair play mocked. Its almost as if I’m back in
the dating pond again, except this time there’s no chance for angry make-up
sex. As I said earlier, if the Industrial Commission dismisses my case, I’ll
just file a civil lawsuit against Engelsen, and take it from that point. Except
this time, I’d be holding them responsible for my discriminatory illegal firing,
and whatever other legally sound charges my lawyer would think are viable.
One of the funny things that was relayed from the AZ AG’s Office was that Engelsen claimed I wasn’t actually fired in the first place, because that supervisor didn’t have, and I quote, “the authority to fire him”, which strikes strange, as my supervisor before the one who illegally fired me, apparently had the power to not only hire me, but conduct the job interview where I was hired, and fire one employee later on who didn’t work out, as well.
One of the funny things that was relayed from the AZ AG’s Office was that Engelsen claimed I wasn’t actually fired in the first place, because that supervisor didn’t have, and I quote, “the authority to fire him”, which strikes strange, as my supervisor before the one who illegally fired me, apparently had the power to not only hire me, but conduct the job interview where I was hired, and fire one employee later on who didn’t work out, as well.
This response also implies that this was information I
should have also known, because the top brass in Michigan would have obviously
wanted me, a low wage part-time slab worker in Arizona, who was responsible for
packing and shipping boxes and basic data entry, to possess this hidden
knowledge for no other reason than if Toni tried to fire me later, I could tell
her I knew she didn’t have the authority to do so. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t
it? Quick show of hands- how many people reading this who are currently working
blue-collar slave-wage jobs in the right-to-work state of Arizona think that
their supervisor/s couldn’t fire them right now if they wanted to, no matter
the reason? Yeah, that’s about what I thought.
But let’s play Devil’s Advocate for a moment, even if it’s
just to amuse ourselves. If Toni had no authority to fire me, then why didn’t
my former employer contact me regarding this fact or to get my side of the
story, and if she really hadn’t done nothing wrong, why jump ship so quickly
after being questioned only once by the AZ AG’s office? That’s a lot of cover
your ass coincidences going on, no matter how you look at it.
Unfortunately, I can’t include Toni’s [in my opinion] vile and wholly fabricated statement within this narrative, for as I noted in previous screeds, in order to acquire a copy, I would have to sign a non-disclosure-agreement first, and there is no way in Hell I will ever do that. I’ve got nothing to hide, but they obviously don’t want this issue discussed, and I plan on keeping it all in the public’s eye, warts and all, letting the Fates and court decide.
Unfortunately, I can’t include Toni’s [in my opinion] vile and wholly fabricated statement within this narrative, for as I noted in previous screeds, in order to acquire a copy, I would have to sign a non-disclosure-agreement first, and there is no way in Hell I will ever do that. I’ve got nothing to hide, but they obviously don’t want this issue discussed, and I plan on keeping it all in the public’s eye, warts and all, letting the Fates and court decide.
Gah. Done with this for now, although sadly, I’m sure I’ll
be revisiting it at some point in the very near future. But let’s talk about
something more upbeat for a minute, shall we? My GF Ashley and I just recently
had our first get together at our abode, and it was a smashing success.
Everybody liked the home-made food, the alcohol, our interior décor, and most
importantly- everybody who was invited got along, which by itself, is worth its
weight in Ding-Dongs. I can’t even begin to tell you how nice it was to be
socially available, something we both haven’t really engaged in since moving
here a over a year. But for whatever reason, I haven’t felt the need to be out
and about past settling into a routine of writing for at least two to three
hours a day, and that’s ok.
The eventual game plan is that as my health and stamina
hopefully improve, I’ll be able to get up and airborne again, both career and
life wise. And I for one, am openly wondering what my new challenges will be in
the future. Hopefully, I can re-establish myself as a writer and arts advocate
out here in the wild mild of New Mexico, and if so, beyond that as well. And if
I can’t, well I guess I can always go back to pole-dancing… if they’ll have me,
that is. All jokes aside, the depth of grist to write about in my corner of the
world is inspiring, to say the very least, and the subtle shift away from what
I was writing about previously has been both liberating and somewhat
terrifying, if I were to offer any measure of a personal insight.
One of the definitive goals is to start writing about
“heavier” topics, as I move through these, the newest chapters of my life. The
only way I’m going to be able to fly higher than I ever have before, is if I
take on some new perspectives, and rid myself of some long overdue to be
removed dead weight. This outlook directly inspired the previous screed before
this one, and I’m hoping to continue with a steadfast resolve in this vein.
I’ll just have to see where this literary lycanthrope takes me, as the new
lands to be conquered expand before me. I also have on my metaphorical stove, a
simmering bouillabaisse of short stories I’d like to serve up and share, along
with a smattering of small-town intrigues to explore, a Pandora’s box that
before I open it up, will definitely be mapped to within an inch of its life
Speaking of boxes full of the world’s evils and ills, as
well as writing about things that are heavy, it seems my previous blog buddy,
and unintentional punchline to a joke that the historic city of Chicago never
asked for, Frankie Coconuts, loved my piece where’s he mentioned near the end
credits so much, he posted it on his Facebook page which serves both as a
platform for him, and an early warning sign indicator of his mental illness for
all of us, so that his exceedingly small fan base “comment” on it. Granted, as
you can see from the screenshot below, Frankie has as much pull in that
department as he had when he ran for the job of city clerk, way back in
2010, a position he did not get.
Only two negative comments? C’mon man, either bring your
“A” game trolls and sycophants up to the plate, or just go home already. If I
wanted to see you embarrass yourself this bad publicly, I’d just use facts and
reality against you in a debate, and watch you run away as usual. In fact,
considering how much and how fast this feeble firebrand retreats every time
he’s cornered online, it’s amazing he hasn’t slammed into a past version of
himself, ala’ Superman, while he does it.What’s even more fun for me, is that out of all the emails and messages I’ve received in regard to this particular blog, which also happens to be one of my longest stand-alone pieces, is that none criticized me at all, and I wound up picking up not only a few more fans across the breadth of my social networks, I managed to get an even better public sense of what more than a few people in Chicago think of this human pork sandwich analog as well. That new knowledge came courtesy and with thanks, from many of the jokes within those missives that described him as :
“the special needs Mr. Clean”, or “what it would like if Pixar made a “Racist Paranoid Penis” cartoon”, and my personal favorite: “the shit-stack from Chiraq.”
Yee-ouch. I may be from the concrete Thunderdome that is
New York, but even we don’t pull the pin on that whole “Chiraq” slur unless we
want to kill someone’s Chicago Grandmother from a distance. Hell, we don’t even
make fun of the band Chicago, and that’s even after late singer Terry Kath
accidentally shot himself and was then replaced by Donnie Dacus. Sure, they’ve
never really been the same since, but there’s no need to kick them when they’re
down. Besides, Peter Cetera did that already with his stunning imitation of a
mannequin singing, so why add insult to grievous injury?
While I’m not saying it isn’t deserved, given Frankie’s inability to compart himself as a functioning adult, I’m also pretty sure that his truly knowing deep down that everybody thinks he’s a walking after-school special for what happens when you drink all the Kool-Aid at once, must sting on some level, even if he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. However, that’s ok. I don’t mind doing it for him. At heart, I’m really a giver, and I think it shows.
While I’m not saying it isn’t deserved, given Frankie’s inability to compart himself as a functioning adult, I’m also pretty sure that his truly knowing deep down that everybody thinks he’s a walking after-school special for what happens when you drink all the Kool-Aid at once, must sting on some level, even if he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. However, that’s ok. I don’t mind doing it for him. At heart, I’m really a giver, and I think it shows.
But then again, so are many of Frank’s so-called “fans”.
See, after I posted the link for the blog on his page, my favorite sentient
Coconut actually became a tad more civil for a fashion, right before he blocked
me for posting facts about the history of his Cheeto Jesus in relation to
defrauding charities. Frank along with not liking the basic tenets of reality,
also gets a throbbing mad-on whenever you dare back up your claims with these
things us mere mortals call facts. Now, being blocked by this vapid windbag
isn’t really something I’d get normally annoyed over as a person, but as a
It’s rare when someone or something supplies you with non-stop unintended comedy and idea grist, so if you’re a saturnly venomous bearer of barbs, having your inspiration source cut off mid-stream can be quite vexing, to say the very least.
It’s rare when someone or something supplies you with non-stop unintended comedy and idea grist, so if you’re a saturnly venomous bearer of barbs, having your inspiration source cut off mid-stream can be quite vexing, to say the very least.
Nevertheless, the internet still carries onward as quite
possibly the last true stronghold of free speech to be found on this planet,
and just because I can’t access his page, doesn’t mean that my readers, fans,
fellow libtards, cucks, soy-boys, snowflakes, and Demorats can’t, something I
think Frank never honestly considered, More on that later. After all, he’s
reactive, not proactive, which is why he fears and runs away from anyone who
presents a measured argument against his general idiocy. One of the emails I
received was from a person who claimed to not only know Frank on a personal day
day level, but who also noted his political reputation among those in the know as such:
“When a large group of varied people refer to you as “colorful” that’s a socially diplomatic way of saying you’re either completely and insanely effed up, or are one of the biggest mother**king a**holes that walk the planet.”
An opinion I don’t share, as I think Frank has the capability to be both. This is America after all, and we dream big here, something I like to think Frank does too, even when he has no basis for it in the first place. For instance, here’s how Frank presented the link to my blog piece:
day level, but who also noted his political reputation among those in the know as such:
“When a large group of varied people refer to you as “colorful” that’s a socially diplomatic way of saying you’re either completely and insanely effed up, or are one of the biggest mother**king a**holes that walk the planet.”
An opinion I don’t share, as I think Frank has the capability to be both. This is America after all, and we dream big here, something I like to think Frank does too, even when he has no basis for it in the first place. For instance, here’s how Frank presented the link to my blog piece:
I particularly like two things here, the first being his
description of me as being “winded”, due to the fact that unlike Frank, I can
communicate without the use of block text memes, and second, his description of
me as a “Liberal Guilty White Boy” and
“Hipster”. I wasn’t aware tham using facts, statistics, and archived
research materials makes one feel guilty in the long run, but then again, I
generally also don’t take the advice of people who pass out deluxe hand-bound
copies of The Monkey Wrench Gang as standard Christmas gifts, either. If I had
to hazard a guess, I don’t think Frank actually read it as much as looked at
the pictures, something that I’m equally sure also applies to the two fem-bots
who commented about it on his page as well.
And as for calling me a Hipster, here’s the definition of
what that actually is: “A person who follows the latest trends and fashions,
especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.” Frank
by the way, is eleven years older than me, and if one matches him up against
the criteria this definition sets forth, he fits the profile way better than I
do among his chosen demographic. So, let’s review some facts here. I’m 50 years
old, haven’t bought a new album in at least six years, have no idea what trends
are currently dominating popular culture, fashion, or influence, still eat
cow-based hamburgers, and if I became any more vanilla mainstream, my portrait
would be on the side of jars of mayonnaise, loaves of Wonder Bread, and any
advertising material loosely associated with AARP.
Frankie on the other hand,
has tapped into the current psychosis that comprises the ignorant ilk of Trumps
base, brags about strapping on his secondary dick to go face school teachers,
and spouts paranoiac masturbatory falsehoods as if he has two mouths and eight
hands whose sole purpose is to keep himself pleasured at all times, but I
digress yet once more.
His point of view is definitely not the mainstream, thank
Odin, but he still proudly lays more claim to being a self-made buffoonish
laughingstock than I will or could ever be. And just by looking at him, you can
tell he buys the shitty beer and cheap pepperoni, more often than not. Throw in
the incontrovertible fact that Frank is an intellectual patriot very much akin
to the way that Niki Minaj is looked upon as an accomplished songwriter, and
the alleged psychological issues he presents openly are made concrete. As I said
earlier, I’m currently blocked from seeing Franks moronic meanderings deep
within the land of Facebook, but fortunately, others aren’t, and were nice
enough to send me some deep cut screencaps of his randomized thoughts.
Since the
prior set posted in the last blog were such a huge hit, I’m more than happy to
do a follow-up of sorts for those of you who enjoyed it so much. Let’s get it
started, shall we?
To kick it off, here’s Franks overview regarding Michelle
Obama, and what he feels her role in America’s ongoing racial discussion was,
and should have been, in his humble opinion.
Not too subtly implying that in her role as First Lady, she
didn’t do nearly enough to open a civil dialogue with the very same people who
posted images of her husband as a monkey, he finds it to be a supreme failing
that she didn’t extend a hand out to certain groups who if they could, would
have placed burning crosses on the White House lawn during her tenure there.
It’s also noted as a character flaw by his standards, that she didn’t try to
give credence to the motivations behind the depicting of her President husband
being lynched, the baseless accusations that he was a Muslim asset not born in
America, who also happened to be secretly in the closet, and that their kids
were adopted, as she hid the fact she was in actuality, a transvestite.
But thankfully somehow, Frank figured out who the real
victims of targeted racism in this scenario were, that being the entire white
middle-aged male demographic of these here United States. It does make me
wonder though, does Frank hold Melania equally responsible for her fraudulent
Einstein visa, her role in helping to break up Trumps second marriage by being
his mistress, her plagiarism of Michelle’s words, or the stunning tone-deafness
of her anti-cyber-bullying campaign that worked so well in curbing her husband’s
habit of Twittering like a ten year old? I’m sure he was going to get around to
it subsequently, but what do I know?
After all, according to Frank, I’m just a White Boy who’s
racked with liberal guilt.
Next up, Frank posts his agreement with the obsessively
paranoid opinion of Congressman Louie Gohmert, a Texas (where else?) senator
who’s claim to fame is not the bills and laws he’s helped pass, but for issuing
statements so dense, that his only competition in major league ignorance is
Frank and his mango man-crush.
As the screencap shows, Gohmert’s extraordinary super power
isn't just his ability to be higly misinformed beyond belief on the most
common-sense issues or current political positions, it’s also the stunning
unawareness of his statements regarding them. Past gems by Gomer include:
“So the
good news is, if you're unemployed and you go to apply for a job and you're not
hired for that job, see a lawyer - you may be able to file for a claim because
you were discriminated against because you were unemployed.”
“We've got some people who think Shariah law
oughta be the law of the land, forget the Constitution. But the guns are there,
the Second Amendment is there, to make sure all of the rest of the amendments
are followed.”
“There is no clear place to draw the line once
you eliminate the traditional marriage, and it's the same once you start
putting limits on what guns can be used, then it's just really easy to have
laws that make them all illegal.”
“If nothing else came out of all of this
debacle over Obamacare, one thing that should is a class-action lawsuit against
the University of Chicago Law School for people that had Obama as their
constitutional law professor.”
If you go online, this pretentious hypocrite has a whole
range of asinine and typically untrue commentary on topics ranging from Muslims
to of course, former President Obama, but I’m certain you already saw that
coming. And if there’s one thing Frank likes, it’s to be in the company of his
fellow idiots. Speaking of fellow idiots, here’s where Frank promotes the
so-called movie, “Q- The Plan to Save the World”, which according to our
low-end Gene Siskel, is only for “Americans who want to know the truth”,
which as we’ve already seen, doesn’t typically line up with the actual reality
that Franks world tends to ignore. So, what is the synopsis of this
world-shattering cinematic truth-bomb?
For sake of honesty, I need to point out first that this isn’t a movie in the traditional sense of that description, it’s actually a YouTube video, produced by an even bigger nutbar who goes by his non-sheep name of “Joe M”. In essence, it’s a short "documentary" regarding a shadowy cabal of Anti-American offenders that secretly control the United States, and whose end goal is to destroy everything pure about this country. According to this painfully produced inanity, the only hope we have is for the amateur citizens and professional nimrod members of the wackadoo group QAnon to rise up, step forward, and save us all from this from this faction of doom.
The video has been accessible via YouTube since June of 2018, where it has been viewed over a million times, which one would hope was done under the guise of inciting unintended laughter, but sadly, I’m afraid the majority of those views were posted by people like Frank who see this type of fallacy-loaded tripe as gospel.
This in and of itself is somewhat ironic, as at no point
does a solution to save the world present itself anywhere in this video, but as
long as it reinforces the paranoiac worldview of its fans, I’m pretty sure they
don’t care.
Getting back to Franks favorite scapegoats, that being
illegal aliens, we have this meme posted as “evidence” that every non-American
who comes here is under the employ of nameless cartels who with no coercion
involved, get them to do everything from smuggling drugs via landscaping to
destroying the American economy, when they’re not murdering American families,
that is.
Now, I might point out that this tragedy happened in Mexico, and not in any of the sanctuary cities that Frank likes to rail about, and I could further add that the ongoing theory being considered by the local Mexican authorities is that a case of mistaken identity may be the underlying cause for these abominable murders. However, this might punch a hole in Franks attempt at disguising his xenophobic racism as community concern, so I’ll leave this critique with this small factoid- by all demographic studies, immigrants, legal and otherwise, commit far less crime than Franks native-born Chicago-American citizens. Darn. Reality has no respect for bigotry, does it?
I seriously have no context for this one, so I’ll just
assume either the city council has a woman on it who emasculated Frank, or a
transgender person who he wishes would return his frequent calls.
And for this one, I’ll just remind everyone he lives in Chicago, so griping about corrupt politics is kind of like how New Yorkers complain about a rat stealing your pizza in the subway. It’s amusing at times, but in the end, ultimately pointless.
My take here? Considering the story was widely covered, and the corporation involved wound up firing all employees directly involved after their own internal enquiry, I’m going to have to view Franks claims of conducting “further investigation” with the same cynicism that Donald Trump only weighs 239 pounds, has the best words, is really smart, and has never known any of the people in his administration that are either under subpoena, facing a prison sentence, or have a connection to Russia.
Simple summary for this: guy who needs a gun to face school teachers is incensed that local politicians he obsessively posts about as if he’s Mark Chapman following John Lennon’s Instagram, require personal armed security in a city where guns are not only smuggled in from surrounding states to help create an atmosphere of unchecked violence, but also where persons like himself upload thinly veiled threats online. And yet, Frank has no parallel problem with the costs of protecting Trump on weekly golf trips, wherein he fraudulently and smugly, overcharges the American taxpayers for his use of a resort he personally owns.
No need for comment here, as this is just an amalgamation
of desperation and delusion getting wasted on a combo of Thunderbird Wine,
homemade moonshine, undercooked pork rinds, and a really bad batch of
mescaline, at best.
he demographic that purports to have faith in this overly optimistic misbelief, are also the same slur-spewing slackjaws who think news that portrays their president accurately, is “fake”, that climate change is a “hoax”, and tend to view common sense and logic with the same disdain I reserve for bologna sandwiches, avocados, corn on the cob, and pizza topped with pineapple or sun-dried anything. Calling yourself the “silent majority” when you truthfully are no more than the 1/3rd rabble that is as relevant to the national discussion as Trumps marriage vows have been to his roster of ex-wives, is just sheer density spitting in the face of reality, and that’s on a day where all your dimwitted ducks lineup. These lemmings have no more power than when they crawled out from under their rocks in 2016, and 2020 will be no different.
he demographic that purports to have faith in this overly optimistic misbelief, are also the same slur-spewing slackjaws who think news that portrays their president accurately, is “fake”, that climate change is a “hoax”, and tend to view common sense and logic with the same disdain I reserve for bologna sandwiches, avocados, corn on the cob, and pizza topped with pineapple or sun-dried anything. Calling yourself the “silent majority” when you truthfully are no more than the 1/3rd rabble that is as relevant to the national discussion as Trumps marriage vows have been to his roster of ex-wives, is just sheer density spitting in the face of reality, and that’s on a day where all your dimwitted ducks lineup. These lemmings have no more power than when they crawled out from under their rocks in 2016, and 2020 will be no different.
What I find hilarious beyond the pale, is this collective’s
hivemind thinking that the numerous investigations, the truthful testimonies
and what they are exposing, along with the majority of formerly loyal rats
leaving the ship, will have no consequences in regards to Trump’s re-election
campaign. While minor cracks have been seen spreading within the structure
since it’s erection, the width, the speed, and the intersecting of them has
been increasing on an almost minute by minute basis. And if you need proof,
look no further than one of Trump’s ego-rallies as of late, where he presents
no concrete policies, no new or implementable ideas, and most definitely, no
verifiable track record of beneficial stand-alone accomplishments.
However, there will be plenty of excuses, rationalizations,
blame-shifting, bizarre and wholly fabricated fallacies, and an ongoing series
of increasingly unhinged rants about Hillary, Obama, the Free Press, and
whomever he’ll deem as today’s Enemy of the People, depending on who the Fanta
Fascist feels would provide the best deflection to help redirect the heat and
focus on him at that moment in time. Eventually, this national nightmare will
end if the Fates are keeping tabs, and this ichor-dripping demagogue and his
brain-dead cultural fodder army of which Frank is an ingrained cog, will get
what’s coming to them, no matter how much they think they’re immune.
As Frank
likes to publicly threaten, “There will be consequences.”
But these future penalties are never coming for those of us
who’ve always been on the right side of History. Nonetheless, it’s obvious that
Frank and his harangue platoon are in for one hell of a disappointing
assessment when their role in all of this is noted for posterity. When the
marks are made aside their names, and the bell is rung to meet the God they
think will absolve their sins against Humanity, I can only hope they’re allowed
enough time to acquire an asbestos wardrobe first.
Assuming that God would pretend to know any of them in the
first place, of course.
“I have been thinking that I would make a
proposition to my Republican friends... that if they will stop telling lies
about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.” -Adlai Stevenson
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