Hello Blogiteers!
I really enjoy writing this blog- I really do. Possibly even
more than you enjoy reading it. Sure, from time to time I may suffer some
minimal fallout from something I’ve written, but it’s a small price to pay for
being able to speak one’s mind so freely.
And as you loyal Blogiteers know by now, my mind tends to be
very free. Not surprisingly, a certain select group of people have gotten a tad
bit annoyed at this. Ooops. My bad. One great thing about speaking your mind is
that you can always count on immediate feedback from a rather insistent and
unintentionally amusing demographic known simply as: Idiots.
To clarify, I’m not disparaging these feeble detractors just
because they disagree with my point of view- far from it. In fact, I encourage
a discussion of the issues I’ve raised- if you think I’m wrong, present your
argument and we’ll have a go at each other like mature adults. See, the Art of
civilized debate and I are old friends, and anyone who knows me will tell you
that I am a chatterbox of the old school variety.
Dogs pant to cool off their brain, I run my mouth. Same
Because of this tendency of mine, two of my favorite places
on Earth are airport lobbies and crowded waiting rooms, since they give me the
perfect excuse to open conversations with total strangers and thereby acquire
different points of view.
The tantalizing possibility that a spirited debate could possibly break out, is sheer bliss for an intellectual motor-mouth such as myself, due to my long-held view that disagreement is a great tool for enabling civility. I really do believe this.
The tantalizing possibility that a spirited debate could possibly break out, is sheer bliss for an intellectual motor-mouth such as myself, due to my long-held view that disagreement is a great tool for enabling civility. I really do believe this.
In my experience, argument leads to discussion, which
eventually leads to talking, which hopefully- leads to an understanding of a
side that is not your own. Yes, yes, I’m a gushing optimist. However- that
somewhat candy-flavored worldview has taken a few dings recently. Reacting
violently to even the most timid of suggestions that your beliefs are somehow
flawed or unfounded seems to be the norm these days, and overall, it doesn’t
seem to be getting any better.
Watch any “Faux” News program, if you think I’m being a
cynic. Yeah- that’s what I thought. Since I started these extended journal
entries, I estimate that I have received over 2800 e-mails regarding both my
writing and art. While the majority of these are either positive reviews or
well composed constructive criticism, I do receive a limited amount of e-bombs
and hate mail, some of which can be fairly unhinged.
Because someone took the time to write, I feel the very
least I can do is to attempt to read and/or write back to each and every
missive as time allows, regardless of whether they’re praising or damning my
efforts. Like most self-imposed guidelines, there are a few exceptions to this
general rule, of course.
Those who possess both an extensive tin foil hat collection
and the belief that vague threats will somehow alter my course are usually
given the inattention they’ve earned, since nothing screams “rational debate”
like a rambling list of vulgarities, let me tell you. With all due respect, how
can I can even begin to fear these candy-asses if they post anonymously?
Four death threats, and no follow through. Sheesh. With a
heavy heart, I am forced to say that there seems to be no love for the craft
anymore. But not where this Artbitch is concerned, as I am all about the craft
and it’s delightful subtleties, one of which is crystal clear expression of
your ideas.
So where have I been doing some of my expressing lately? The
forums of the PHX New Times website where opinions can be aired and ideas
discussed in a mature and intelligent fashion- unless of course those concepts
run counter to what the ol’ PNT thinks.
I’ll explain.
For the last few months, I’ve been leaving comments on
certain articles written by either Amy Silverman or her loyal pet, Claire
Lawton. The majority of these usually call attention to PNT’s lackluster
coverage of the PHX Arts scene, point out the amateurish quality of the
journalism, or reference a past article that Amy wrote slamming PHX.
Isn’t it nice when your Enemy gives you both the ammo to
wound them and then just for fun, throws in a gift certificate to Walmart? I
really should buy Amy a gift basket one of these days. Maybe something with a
loofah. Now along with my snarky comments, I’ve also posted this blog-site’s
address as well, allowing PNT’s readers to explore the issues I’ve raised via
my humble and exceedingly wordy rants.
As a courtesy, I sometimes warn them to prepare a snack
first before diving in, since with an average of 2500 words per post, reading
my stuff does take a dedicated effort. If the “hits” on my blogs are any
indicator, it seems to be working Now, it could just be that I have one
uber-obsessed stalker with a whole lot of free time on their hands, but I don’t
think so, since they would also have to write a spit-load of E-mails as well.
Let’s face it- no one really likes to write one letter these
days, let alone 2800 or so. Someone I respect once noted that there’s a fine
line that separates “Fan” from “Stalker”- and in my view, the subject of
today’s blog has sandblasted that barrier into oblivion. If only I could tell
you who they are.To my regret, my number one fan/stalker wishes to remain
anonymous. (*sigh*)
Personally, I like to tell myself that they do this to keep
some mystery in our relationship, but in a not too surprising twist of irony,
they’re known for deriding anyone who does the same to them. Hypocrisy and
cowardice- two things that my number one fan/stalker has apparently stockpiled
in their secret volcano lair, dispensing them seemingly only when someone
disagrees with the PNT.
Lately, bitch-slapping the PNT seems to be my part time gig,
and I have to say it’s been exceptionally easy making them look stupid, usually
because they do such a fine job of it on their own. Cracks in the armor are
what I’m looking for, and in that regard, my number one fan/stalker is like
Manna from Heaven to this Artbitch. Why? It’s simple really, much like them.
Nothing helps prove your point better than when the self
appointed guardian of your Enemy turns out to be a colossal schmuck, and is
under the delusion that they’re not. Juvenile insults, asinine claims, and
arrogant posturing have always been the hallmarks of the online Troll, a
pathetic creature who anonymously posts about what a bad ass they are in the
world of the real, while also simultaneously hiding under the Internet’s bed
like a frightened kitten.
My number one fan/stalker is one of this wretched breed, and
in their eyes- I’m obviously a major irritant who just must be dealt with.
Unfortunately for my NOFS, [aka: “Number One Fan/Stalker”] they don’t have what
it takes to shut me up, but they are determined to try- no matter what. In the
past, he/she has billed themselves as the following: “Ted Seift”, “Ted”, and
“Tom Seift”, but there exists the strong possibility that half a dozen other
aliases have been created by this person to foster the illusion that they have
a base of support. Why do I suspect this?
Because of “voice”.
The definition of “voice” in relation to writing: “Voice is the author's style, the quality that makes his or her writing unique, and which conveys the author's attitude, personality, and character; or the characteristic speech and thought patterns of a first-person narrator; a persona. Because voice has so much to do with the reader's experience of a work of literature, it is one of the most important elements of a piece of writing.”
The definition of “voice” in relation to writing: “Voice is the author's style, the quality that makes his or her writing unique, and which conveys the author's attitude, personality, and character; or the characteristic speech and thought patterns of a first-person narrator; a persona. Because voice has so much to do with the reader's experience of a work of literature, it is one of the most important elements of a piece of writing.”
Voice. Each writer has his own, and it is unique as a
fingerprint. For instance, I write like I talk, so for my friends, it’s rather
easy to spot my writing, even when it’s placed among a slew of other literary
rants of similar construction. Not that I actually would do that to them of
course. Well…not yet, anyway.
But my NOFS has a very distinctive, very unique, voice. A
huge chip on their shoulder exists in regards to me, and while I’m not
exceedingly popular with certain sheeple in the PHX art scene, I’m not exactly
an untouchable pariah either. This person literally drips venom when they respond
to my posts, and it isn’t just because they disagree with what I’m saying or
the method in which I say it.
They have a gargantuan axe to grind with me, and that does
narrow down the field of candidates. Somewhat. Because of all that venom roiling all up within my
NOFS, it seems they have a very hard time keeping it under control- I obviously
tick them off something fierce, and it shows.
Ooops. My bad yet again.
Ooops. My bad yet again.
So who could it be? I do have a theory or two, but I’ll just
let you loyal Blogiteers deduce for yourselves, keeping in mind who could
possibly dislike me this much for posting my humble little opinion on the PNT
forums- where I slam PNT’s Managing Editor Amy Silverman repeatedly. That has
nothing to do with it, I’m sure.
But whether they post under Aliases One, Two or Three- their “voice” comes through loud and clear, despite their so- called best efforts. So what do we know about my NOFS for a fact? Well, my NOFS isn’t particularly clever, witty, or even remotely capable of inflicting harm to either my person or career, but my NOFS does possess something that all the “great ones” have had- a one word name..
But whether they post under Aliases One, Two or Three- their “voice” comes through loud and clear, despite their so- called best efforts. So what do we know about my NOFS for a fact? Well, my NOFS isn’t particularly clever, witty, or even remotely capable of inflicting harm to either my person or career, but my NOFS does possess something that all the “great ones” have had- a one word name..
Beavis. Romeo. Houdini. Sting. Frankenstein. Madonna. Elvis.
Bambi. Fergie. RuPaul. Gwen. Moby. Kermit. Marilyn. Snuffalupagus. Judas. Greedo.
Yogi. Xena, Linus. Aristotle. Curly. Oprah. Moe. Gilligan. Shemp. “Q”.
Morrissey. Salome. Dean. Elmo. Zorro. Lucifer. Sammy. Beetlejuice. Spiderman.
Tarzan. Chewbacca. Batman. Juliet. Superman. Thor. Shazam. Liberace. Wallace.
Seal. Hercules. Ladmo. Prince. Venus. Coraline. Barney. Snap. Crackle. Pop.
Let us also not forget Shaft, the black private dick that's
a sex machine to all the chicks, who they say is a bad mother… SHUT YOUR MOUTH!
Hey- I'm just talkin' 'bout Shaft. Oh….THEN WE CAN DIG IT.
You get the point.
The name really is the thing, and if you were a wise NOFS,
you’d pick an online screen name that would strike fear, commanding the respect
you so richly deserve, while letting everyone know that you’re one bad hombre
to mess with. And I do believe that my NOFS has finally gotten it right after
trying out a whole other mess of names first, none of which fit the
aforementioned criteria.
So what screen name has my self appointed guardian of the
ol’ PNT adorned themselves with? What moniker do they carry forth into their
righteous battle with the Artbitch? What is it? What could it be?
Is it short? Is it easy to remember? Would it look good on a tee-shirt? Is it the kind of screen name that would make Chuck Norris soil himself from a distance? Wait for it…… the terrifying, stupendous, incredible, amazing, unbelievable, incredulous, orrific name of all scourging that my NOFS has chosen is………………
Is it short? Is it easy to remember? Would it look good on a tee-shirt? Is it the kind of screen name that would make Chuck Norris soil himself from a distance? Wait for it…… the terrifying, stupendous, incredible, amazing, unbelievable, incredulous, orrific name of all scourging that my NOFS has chosen is………………
Yes- that’s it. No. I am NOT kidding. That’s right- I’m being
stalked by the primary ingredient in ketchup. Man, this is depressing. The best
that the Obsessed Stalker Universe can offer me is one very ticked-off fruit. [Writer’s
note: Yes, a tomato IS actually a fruit. Don’t feel bad. It’s a very common mistake.]
Tomato. Hardly the elixir of night terrors, unless you work
at a McDonald’s. And possibly a clue for you amateur Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew
types out there- it’s not the sort of a name you’d think a man would pick, is
it? Could my NOFS actually be a woman? I’m just thinking out loud, of course. What
woman could I possibly have ticked off that much recently?
Strange that no one immediately comes to mind...
Strange that no one immediately comes to mind...
But of course, all of this is mere conjecture without some
form of proof. so I will give it to you straight from the fruit bowl. Or as I
like to call it, the PNT online forums.But before I do that, I feel I have to
warn you first:this is gonna be a very long one, so get into your comfy
clothes, make a snack, put your feet up, and put on that brand new Yanni CD.
You know… if he actually has one out.
You know… if he actually has one out.
“If bitterness wants to get into the act, I offer it a
cookie or a gumdrop.”
- James Broughton
- James Broughton
I think Tomato may be Christine. But Ted sounds more like Amy.
ReplyDeleteBtw, you DO realize that all you have to do is report the death threat to your local police dept and they are required to get a warrant to unmask your threatener and any other detractors that they think might be involved, such as Ted and some of the other 'guys' that were attacking you before all of that other stuff was brought to light about the histories of these people....can you imagine what it would do for yet another member of that media group to be brought up on such charges?
And I have no love for the sheriff or governor down there, but people like that which are under fire tend to be quick to agree to witch hunts of their enemies and magnify the molehills until they are venerated as the local Rushmore....
Oh I do. So far they've been mostly bluster in my opinion, and if they fight as well as they write...then I'm perfectly safe.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite sure Amy would LOVE to say something but lacks either the stones to do so, whether it be in the private or public arena.
Like most bullies, she and her hubby/hostage are incapable of a fair fight, and attacking anonymously has always been the coward's way.
Besides, I'm enjoying myself way too much to stop now.